Grief and Loss
Tragedy can come from any place and any time. This type of uncertainty and pain can create anxiety, depression and much more. During times like this I am reminded to take a pause, be a little gentler and non judgmental about my thoughts and feelings. I encourage my clients to replace any judgements and any badgering need to know all the why’s and how’s with compassion and curiosity. Compassion and curiosity enables us to feel what we are feeling without the pressures of needing to justify our emotions. The last thing we need during this season is more pressure. Often times during grief and loss, there are no good answers and even if there were, they aren’t likely to dull the pain at all. Allowing ourselves to sit with the sensations and to talk when we are ready, cry when we need to and to heal in our own unique and healthy ways is the best care we can give ourselves during this time. Some helpful pressure reliefs can be prayer and meditation along with journaling, talking to a healthy friend or love one or even a professional therapist. If you find yourself thinking of suicide then please call 911 or the suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or Text GO to 741741 for support. Please remember that no matter the level of pain, that “this too shall pass”. Get around people or things that remind you that this temporary pain does not deserve a permanent solution. Please remember that life has difficult seasons but it also has really beautiful ones as well.